
Jim Kwik

  1. Take a moment and schedule 30 minutes of white space in your calendar for this week. This is time to be spent away from technology, time dedicated to clear your mind, relax, and be creative.

  2. Go to the notification settings of your phone and turn off all unnecessary and distracting pings and dings. Do this now There’s research that says our brains are more like a muscle, rather than a hard drive that fills up. That the more you use it, the stronger it gets, and the more it can store.

  3. Take a minute to exercise your memory: Memorize the phone number of someone you communicate with regularly.

The ubiquity of information about everything also means that there’s a ubiquity of opinion about everything.

  1. We tend to identify a handful of sources with which we align, and then give those sources extreme influence over our thinking and decision-making.

  2. If learning is making new connections, then remembering is maintaining and sustaining those connections.

  3. “Every now and then a man’s mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions.” When you read any book, you have the opportunity to stretch the range of your mind, and it will never be the same.

Learn with the intention of teaching the information to someone else.

  1. If you prep your mind with the right kinds of questions before you read, you’ll see answers (pug dogs) everywhere.

  2. How can I use this? Why must I use this? When will I use this?

  3. Reimagine your inner critic. Change the attributes of this voice in your head, so you begin to give it less credence.

  4. The brain takes up only 2 percent of space by weight, and yet accounts for 20 percent of energy consumption, more than any other organ.

  5. Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from.

  6. “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it, so it follows that if you don’t know why you do what you do, how will anyone else?”

  7. A goal is the point one wishes to achieve. A purpose is the reason one aims at to achieve a goal.

  8. You shouldn’t always have to push yourself to work on your goals. They should be so exciting, enticing, and engaging that you’re pulled toward them.

When you say you are defined by a particular action, you are essentially priming yourself to identify with and justify a certain behavior.

  1. Unfinished tasks create tension in your brain. If you layer guilt and shame on top of this, you’re making it even harder to get a task done, and you’re making yourself miserable.

  2. Check in on your dreams before you get out of bed. There’s so much gold to mine here, so I strongly recommend that you not skip this step. Get yourself hydrated and oxygenated. Nourish yourself with some of the brain foods mentioned in this chapter. Set a plan for the day.

  3. Breathe 4–7–8 Method. It works like this: Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound. Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of 4. Hold your breath for a count of 7. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of 8.

  4. Do Something That Has Been Causing You Stress

Schedule Time for Distractions

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